Thursday 28 February 2013

We love compliments like these!

We received an email on the 11th February from our clients whose landscaping project in Old Wives Lees we are currently working on. We thought we would share it:

Dear Ross,

We just had to email you to say how delighted and impressed we are with your crew.

We drew the curtains this morning, saw plenty of snow, and thought "oh well, no works today" at which point Mark drew up in his van!

The conditions under foot were really horrible, deep wet clay and freezing cold, and yet such progress in spite of it all.

Please pass on our admiration and thanks. What a great team!

We very much appreciate receiving comments such as this. We take great pride in the work that we carry out and the service we provide to our clients so it is always nice to hear that we are performing in line with the values we believe in.

Ross would like to pass on his own thanks and appreciation to the team on site for all of their hard work and commitment.

Old Wives Lees - Tiling the Roof

As we enter the final day of February, our team are to be found at the project in Old Wives Lees putting the tile roof onto the new 2-Bay Oak Car Barn. This particular job, whilst time consuming, will set the look and feel of the Car Barn.

We are installing reclaimed Kentish Nib Tiles for an authentic and traditional appearance.

Friday 22 February 2013

Old Wives Lees - Creating an Amphitheatre

Work continues on the side garden area of the Old Wives Lees project. This was not a part of the original booked works but is now going to become an integral feature of this garden with the creation of a tiered amphitheatre garden. 

The amphitheatre formed a part of our original design and we are delighted that we now have the chance to implement this feature.

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Old Wives Lees - Side Garden Steps

The Old Wives Lees project has seen a number of additional items and area's added to the specification. The side garden was a part of the original Orchard Priory design but was not included in the main contract.

The remit for the side garden is to create a much improved vista from the east side of the house while including steps to provide access to the top level of the side garden (where currently there is none).

The grounds in this area of the garden are very steep so will need to be re-graded prior to being seeded.

Thursday 14 February 2013

Old Wives Lees - Time for a Roof?

The 2-Bay Oak Car Barn is progressing steadily. The top photo above shows the roof batten installed and tiles laid out ready to be fitted. You may also notice the rather large black water tank in this photo. This tank is to be installed at the rear of the property for rain water collection.

The lower image shows the rear catslide roof which has also been felt and battened and now awaits tiling.

Tuesday 5 February 2013

Old Wives Lees - The Driveway Bell-mouth

The Orchard Priory team continue to work on our project in Old Wives Lees, near Chilham. Today has seen  Site Manager, Mark Prentice, laying the bell-mouth for the new driveway.

We are installing Yorkstone setts (cobbles) to match those forming the driveway edging. Yorkstone is a traditional English stone quarried in Yorkshire which is hard wearing and durable. It has been a popular building material since medieval times and remains in demand for new builds and restoration projects today.