Thursday 28 March 2013

See you at the Aldington Point to Point?

Well, that's it. It is Good Friday tomorrow.

We hope the weather does not interfere with whatever plans you have and that you enjoy the long weekend.

If you do attend the Aldington Point to Point on Easter Monday then please do come and say hello. You will find us in the Sponsors Tent.

A Very Happy Easter from all the team at Orchard Priory.

Lyminge - You cant get in the way of progress

We continue to make good progress with this project as the image above shows. This picture was taken first thing this morning before our site team started work and shows the progress made on the patio over the course of yesterday.

We would envisage the patio paving being completed today while work is also due to be started on the front of the property.

Wednesday 27 March 2013

Lyminge - Laying the paving

Wednesday morning is upon us and our landscaping team on site in Lyminge are right on schedule. The image above shows site manager, Mark Prentice, laying the paving for this new rear garden patio.

You can see the cobble edging in place, this will strengthen the edge of the patio and also provide the riser for steps down to the lawn.  The foundation material has been laid enabling the paving to be installed.

Tuesday 26 March 2013

Lyminge - Preparing the groundworks for the patio

As you can see from the picture above, we have started the groundworks for the rear patio at our latest job in Lyminge.  Once the groundworks are complete, we will be installing a cobble edging and the foundation materials prior to laying the paving stones themselves.

Tomorrow, we hope to be able to show you the first of the paving going down so please do come back to see if progress on site matches our aspirations for this project.

Monday 25 March 2013

Our latest Job - Lyminge

Today sees the start of another new project for Orchard Priory.  This latest job is in Lyminge, Kent and, while not a complete garden re-design, it does involve the installation of a new rear patio and utility side garden, a new in/out driveway to the front of the property to replace the existing single entrance drive and some new planting.

We are looking forward to showing you our progress over the next few weeks.

Thursday 21 March 2013

Sandwich - The finished mixed media wall

As we approach the end of our small project in Sandwich, we are pleased to be able show you the finished mixed media wall. As you can see, the wall includes various bricks, clay tiles and flint and is finished with a soldier course coping of yellow stock bricks.

We have jet cleaned the existing paving and re-laid an area of paving around the wall for a complete finish.

Wednesday 20 March 2013

A Day at the Races!

Orchard Priory is delighted to announce that we will be attending East Kent's 'Aldington Point to Point' on Monday 1st April.

We will be at this popular horse racing event as Gold Sponsors so why not stop by the main tent to say hello?

To view the google map for the location please click  here.  For more information about the event please visit the Point to Point Racing Company website here.

Also, look out for us in the Race Day Programme!

Tuesday 19 March 2013

Sandwich - In Just a Short Time...

The first day of work at our new Sandwich project has seen the team stripping out the old decked seating area.

The top picture above shows a view of the decking prior to removal while the lower image shows the garden at the end of the first day. You can see from this shot that all the decking has been removed and the materials are on site for the building of the new wall.

Monday 18 March 2013

Garden Makeover in Sandwich

We have today started work on a small garden makeover in Sandwich, Kent.

The picture above shows a decked seating area which we will be replacing with a mixed media wall with raised gravel flowerbeds.

Demolition has started as you can see with Mark Prentice, our site manager, breaking down the decking for removal from the site.

We will be jet washing the paving prior to the building of the replacement wall.

The project will also involve the installation of a bespoke made chicken coop and lattice style trellis panels.

Thursday 14 March 2013

Old Wives Lees - ... as this project nears completion

Our time at Old Wives Lees is nearly done with only a few minor jobs remaining. We expect to finish here shortly although we will be returning within a few weeks to install gates and fencing to the property.

The picture above shows the 2-Bay Oak Car Barn which has now been clad with Oak.

As you can see from the picture, there is still a heavy frost on the ground. This combined with the very cold wind has made for a chilly time on site but at least today the sun is shining!

Tuesday 12 March 2013

It's Snow Joke!

Well, the weather here in East Kent was fun yesterday (Monday March 11th). While our team on site at Old Wives Lees were cold but otherwise suffering no inconvenience, our office in Capel-le-Ferne was sat in blizzard-like conditions all day long.

By 4pm roads were being shut due to drifting snow, high wind and ice. We all had good fun trying to get either back to the yard or home to our families.

The picture above, taken today, shows our Tipper Truck abandoned as it tried to get back to the yard. To be honest, the driver did well to get it this far (this is a back way to our yard across the farm) as all the surrounding roads were closed!

We hope that all of our clients and blog followers are well and did not suffer too much from the bad weather.

Monday 11 March 2013

Orchard Priory - Design Services

Orchard Priory offers comprehensive and high quality design services alongside our landscape construction works.

Rupert Davis CMLI (Chartered Member of the Landscape Institute) is responsible for the design side of the business and can be seen in the picture above working on the sketch design for a 2 bay Oak Car Barn.

Friday 8 March 2013

Old Wives Lees - Turfing the Amphitheatre

Today has seen turf being laid on the amphitheatre in the side garden at Old Wives Lees. The picture above shows site manager, Mark Prentice, tamping down the turf.

We will bring you some shots of the finished amphitheatre next week, hopefully with some sunshine rather than the thick fog we had today!

Thursday 7 March 2013

Old Wives Lees - We love seeing the boss at work

Cladding the 2-Bay Oak Car Barn is the order of the day today, so much so in fact that even Orchard Priory's Managing Director, Ross Gandon, is on site to help out.

The cladding is the final stage of the Car Barn and the aim is to have it completed by the end of this week.

Tuesday 5 March 2013

Old Wives Lees - Granite Cobble Bellmouth completed

Another day of pleasant sunshine has seen the drive bell-mouth completed with the pointing being finished, by hand, to various depths for an authentic, aged appearance.

The photo above shows the bell-mouth and you can also see the car barn which now just needs the cladding installed to finish it off.

Monday 4 March 2013

Old Wives Lees - Finally some sunshine!

Finally, a day with some sunshine. There was a definite sense of relief on site this morning, perhaps it wouldn't rain, perhaps hands would not be numb before the morning tea break!

Well, the sunshine has witnessed a very productive day at Old Wives Lees. We have now completed the installation of the reclaimed nib tile roof on the 2-Bay Oak Car Barn (as you can see in the top picture, above) and also finished work on a small, hand knapped, flint wall at the rear of the Oak Car Barn. This wall was required to  match into an existing wall (which you can see on the left of the lower picture, above). Whilst it is clear at present that the new section of wall is just that, in time it will weather down nicely and match into its surroundings.