Thursday 30 May 2013

Protecting our client's site

Protection of a set of Portland Stone steps
Portland Stone steps protected from damage

At Orchard Priory we take our responsibility to our clients very seriously. This responsibility is not simply to carry out the works we have been contracted to undertake but to ensure that every effort is made to leave a site as we found it (other than the works we have carried out).

Site protection is key to this.

The picture above shows one example of this. A set of Portland Stone steps between two gardens has been covered with boards to allow both people and light machinery to access the lower garden.

Wednesday 29 May 2013

Barham - Lifting the stone paving

Paving lifted and lain alongside its original position
The Portland Stone paving has been lifted for cleaning

We are now in the process of lifting the Portland Stone paving in Barham.  This will allow us to carry out the rest of the cleaning of the stone and also to create a new base for the paving to be re-laid upon.

The image above shows the area immediately outside of the house where the stone has been lifted and lain, on boards, in order for correct reinstatement. You can also see that the existing base layer is being excavated to allow for a fresh, new, level base to be installed.

Tuesday 28 May 2013

Barham - Stage One Stone Cleaning Complete

Portland Stone paving following pressure washing
Portland Stone paving following the first stage of cleaning

The first stage in the cleaning of the Portland Stone paving at our project in Barham, Kent has been carried out.

The image above shows the same stretch of paving as the image posted on Friday 24th May following pressure washing. This has taken off a layer of dirt and grime allowing more of the stone's natural white colour to show through.

The more testing stages of the cleaning process are yet to come however, with each stone being lifted and then cleaned with wire brushes and mild detergent. This will help to remove the dirt and staining from the stone more thoroughly.

Friday 24 May 2013

Barham - Works are underway

Portland Stone paving pre cleaning
Portland Stone paving - In situ for around a century

We have today started our project in Barham, Kent (on the Lutyens designed property). One of the first jobs to get underway is the cleaning of the existing Portland Stone paving.

This is to be a three stage process which will include jet washing, brushing and cleaning with mild detergent.

The image above shows the stone at the start of the job.

Thursday 23 May 2013

Site Clean-up

Pressure washing to remove any materials on the public highway
The Orchard Priory team cleaning the public road following works.

Orchard Priory makes a point of ensuring that a site is left as we find it. We feel that our clients and their neighbours should see no trace of our having been there - other than a beautiful new driveway or garden!

Of course, our is a mucky job. Dirt and other building materials are going to get tracked onto surfaces and places where they should not be. We simply work hard to ensure that these things are cleaned and tidied up before we leave site.

The picture above shows two members of the Orchard Priory team cleaning the road outside of our site.

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Staplehurst Driveway - Further preparations

The previously shingled area's have been dug out and the shingle removed
The shingled areas have been cleared and dug down to the appropriate level

The dug out shingled area's have been levelled with a porous asphalt

Works are progressing on our 'resin bound' driveway project in Staplehurst.

The first photo above shows how the shingled area's of the property frontage have been cleared and dug out to the level required to meet SUDS (Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems) recommendations.

The second image shows the same area once it has been filled with porous asphalt. The level of the formerly graveled area's now matches the level of the existing driveway.

The resin bound surface will now be applied on top of the asphalt.

Monday 20 May 2013

Services Offered by Orchard Priory - Resin Bound Driveways

Marking out and cutting trenches for drainage
Our site team starting work on the new driveway

One service offered by Orchard Priory which has not received much coverage on this blog is the installation of Resin Bound Driveways.

We have today started working on a driveway project in Staplehurst, Kent where we will be replacing the existing tarmac and shingle frontage with a beautiful  new resin bound driveway.

The picture above shows some early works, marking out trenches for cutting. These trenches are created to allow us to remove the existing edging whilst retaining a quality edge to the tarmac. The edge is required as the existing tarmac will be the base material for the resin bound driveway.

Further details will be posted as the project progresses so do check back.

Friday 17 May 2013

Further works at Sheldwich

Gateposts installed awaiting a gate
New Gateposts installed in Sheldwich

Oak gatepost in situ awaiting hanging of the gate
The gatepost has been recessed into the rebuilt wall

Works have continued in Sheldwich with the wall now completed and a number of other small jobs finished off.

We have also installed gateposts for a new, bespoke, oak gate which we hope to hang within the next week.

We have recessed one of the gateposts into the newly rebuilt wall which will provide a lovely sense of permanence to the gateway.

Wednesday 15 May 2013

Barham - Due to start next week

Lutyens designed property in Barham
Lutyens designed property in Barham, Kent

Excitement is growing in Orchard Priory world as we approach the commencement of our project in Barham, Kent.

The above image is a historocal photo (I believe taken in 1917) which appeared in Country Life magazine and shows this beautiful, Lutyens designed, property.

We expect to start work on this project in the middle of next week.

Monday 13 May 2013

If Orchard Priory were at school... then we just got a glowing report!!

Tiles, laid on edge, create the detailing in the patio
Circular Patio constructed from reclaimed brick and tile

We have today received some lovely feedback from a client for whom we carried out some landscaping work last year...

"We commissioned Orchard Priory to re-design and landscape our back garden. Our experience of working with Orchard Priory through the design and landscaping process was excellent. We have worked on previous projects with a number of different companies and working with Orchard Priory has been the most positive experience of commissioning an external company that we have ever had".

"We are absolutely delighted with our re-landscaped garden. It has transformed what was a large, unmanaged space, into something clearly defined and beautiful".

The picture above shows a new circular patio with a surrounding bench wall (fashioned to have the appearance of a dry stone wall).

You can also see steps leading up to what will be the lawn (the client wished to seed the lawn themselves) and some oak stepping stones. These stepping stones form the border of the lawn and a planting bed (the bed is the area on the patio side of the stepping stones).

Thursday 9 May 2013

Densole - Additional Work

Practical improvements - Paving around a raised bed
Side Garden to be paved around the raised bed

Cobbles laid around the raised bed
Raj Green Indian Sandstone Cobbles around the raised bed

We recently completed a project in Densole, Kent where we created a pathway and gazebo base using beautiful 'Raj Green' Indian Sandstone.

We have been back to this property for some further works - creating a paved area in the side garden around a raised planting bed and a shed.

The pictures above show you the works carried out but, to provide those of you who are interested with some further detail, we have taken the same sandstone cobbles used for the pathway to create a feature surround for the raised bed and extended the existing paving (with the sandstone pavers used for the gazebo base) to both meet with the shed and bring the edge of the new paving in line with that which was already in-situ.

Monday 6 May 2013

Sheldwich - The wall is nearing completion

The rebuilt wall in Sheldwich 

Work on the wall in Sheldwich is nearly complete, You can see from the picture above that we have laid a top 'header' course on the wall.

If you look closely you will also see that the height of the wall varies (it slopes downwards at the start of the trees and shrubs).

We have some tidying up to do but hopefully you will agree that the wall is looking good.

We will now be proceeding with the installation of gates for the property and a number of other minor jobs requested by the client.

Wednesday 1 May 2013

Sheldwich - Rebuilding a wall using traditional lime mortar

Using lime mortar to rebuild a old wall
Using lime mortar to rebuild the wall in Sheldwich

Work continues with the rebuilding of the old wall in Sheldwich. The picture above shows our site manager, Mark Prentice, building the wall using a lime mortar.

Using a natural hydraulic lime in mortar (rather than cement) is a traditional method which would likely have been used in most brick structures prior to 1910.

This wall pre-dates 1910 and indeed was built using a lime mortar. We are therefore employing the original methodology in our rebuild..