Friday 27 September 2013

More of..Canterbury completed?

Fencing, Wall, Trellis, Pathways and Raised beds
Finished vegetable & fruit garden

A final picture for you of the fruit and veg garden at our Canterbury project. We cannot wait to see this garden once it has been planted up and is in full, productive, flow.

All the element s visible in this picture are new to this property and created by Orchard Priory.

Wednesday 25 September 2013

Canterbury completed?

Newly landscaped garden with flowing pathway
View of garden along the new brick path

Pathway with additional seating area
Red brick pathway and seating area

With works virtually complete in Canterbury we are able to bring some 'finished' pictures to the blog.

The images above show the red brick pathway, with terrace seating area. The soil around the seating area will be planted up and become a beautiful surround creating a secluded terrace.

We will endeavour to revisit this site next year to obtain some photos to show how the garden is developing.

Tuesday 17 September 2013

Canterbury - Closing in on The Target Date

Trellis Installed to the Kitchen Garden
The New Trellis Installed Today

Having been on site today, I can only compliment the team on their work ethic and team comradery.  They are working incredibly diligently as we are due to finish the beautiful overhaul of this Canterbury garden on Friday this week.  I have pitched in to take some of the glory today, to install the fine trellis panels and capping rails to the posts, which were pre installed by the lads a few days ago.  And what can I say - they slotted in perfectly without a hitch.  Perfect setting out made this small job a pleasure today.  Thanks again guys.  looking excellent!


Friday 13 September 2013

Canterbury - Starting on the trellis

Continuing work on the vegetable garden
Posts for trellis installed in the veg garden

The end of this week sees us with the pathway work in Canterbury continuing and the vegetable garden coming along.

The picture above shows the posts installed for the lines of trellis which will soon be fitted.

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Canterbury - Follow the Red Brick Pathway!

Sweeping red brick pathway
Red Brick Pathway, Patio still to do

Curved red brick pathway

Great stuff from the Orchard Priory site team who have got the brick pathways looking fantastic.

While there is still plenty of work to do and plenty more bricks to lay, this is great progress which really starts to bring the project to life.

Monday 9 September 2013

Canterbury - Starting the vegetable garden

Brick edging in the new veg garden
Canterbury vegetable garden laid out

Pathways in the veg garden awaiting brick infill
Another view of the vegetable garden

Just a quick entry to show you some further progress. The vegetable garden area will match in with the rest of the patio's and pathways by having the same brick running throughout.

The images above show the pathways edged in anticipation of being infilled.

The top picture also shows the new brick wall and a little of the fencing we have already completed.

Thursday 5 September 2013

Canterbury - Pathway edging

Pathway and patio edging being installed
Brick edging for a pathway and patio

Type 1  sub base material laid on the pathway
Curved pathway formed with brick edging 

Our site team have progressed well in the last couple of days with the edging for the pathways and patio's going down well.

As you can see from the above images, we have some nice sweeping pathways being installed and these have a sub-base layer of type 1 laid down in them to provide good structure and support for the base materials.

Tuesday 3 September 2013

Canterbury - Marking Out

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Today has seen the site team ready to start on the new brick pathways (certainly a job which starts to bring the new garden together).

The picture above shows one of the team 'marking out', plotting the line the edging will be laid upon.

You can see that the bricks are being stacked ready for laying and if you look closely you can see a string line which will be used to ensure that the level is maintained when laying the bricks.