The works include the laying of new pathways, creation of new vistas from the rear of the house, repair of an existing stable block including the building of a new roof, installation of fencing and lighting as well as the more soft landscaping matters such as putting in place a number of new planting beds and shrub and hedge planting.
This job will also include the creation of a new driveway access to the property to improve safety and the approach to the front of the house.
Planning permission has been saught for the new access and driveway from the local council.
The first two pictures here show some of the early works that have been carried out. The first image shows where an existing hedge has had a section removed to allow views from the house into the large garden beyond (which was previously hidden from view).
The second shows two of the Orchard priory team, Matthew Hopkins and Matthew Stevens creating a sizeable new planting bed.
The third picture shows the stable block in its current condition. Work has started on repairing this building and the new roof is due to be started tomorrow.
Check back soon for further updates on this project.