Friday 8 June 2012

Holiday Let at Hockley Sole - Creating the Terrace

As I'm sure you will remember from the first entry regarding this project, the garden is on two levels and it is our intent to raise the upper level to increase the definition between the two.

The pictures included in this post show how we are achieving that.

The first image shows the existing levels and a new, oak sleeper retaining wall that we have installed in front of the original brick wall.

The second picture shows the brick wall while clearly demonstrating that the new oak sleeper wall has been built to create a new, circular shape to this end of the terrace.

The sleeper wall will provide a new and complimentary colour within the garden, a visual feature that is both structurally essential in supporting the raised and re-shaped terrace but
also asthetically pleasing.

The final picture looks towards the terrace from the lower garden where the new turf has now been laid.

We now have our very modern wire rigging fencing to install along with the dressing of the existing steps. More pictures next week.