Wednesday 6 June 2012

Terraced Garden in Sandgate - Update 3

Works are nearly done for Phase 1 of our terraced garden in Sandgate.

We have now completed the terrace circle by installing stainless steel edging and using Breedon Gravel to create an attractive finish.

The first picture shows the finished circle, we now cannot wait to come back and see this area of the garden once the planting has all had the opportunity to establish itself.

The second picture shows the view from the terrace circle along the garden.

The far right corner is where the huge drop used to be but, as you can see, a beautifully level lawn has been installed along with the lovely Chelsea Screens.

A border has been created in front of the screen to lead from the terrace circle into the rest of the garden.

You can see at the far end of the garden that the play area is still lacking the equipment, this is now one of last things we need to complete. More photo's in the near future.