Friday 12 April 2013

Hockley Sole and Sir Aston Webb

Sir Aston Webb, Architect
Sir Aston Webb

Hockley Sole was designed by Sir Aston Webb
The Sun Terrace at Hockley Sole

Following on from our post regarding Sir Edwin Lutyens, we thought our readers might be interested to know that we have previously worked on a project at Hockley Sole, a property designed by Sir Aston Webb.

Aston Webb was a leading architect at the end of the 19th Century and the start of the 20th. Responsible for many prestigious works including the re-design of the principle facade at Buckingham Palace, the Queen Victoria Memorial and the main building of the Victoria and Albert museum in London.

Orchard Priory have undertaken a number of tasks at Hockley Sole, most notably the rebuilding of the Sun Terrace, pictured above, which was carried out using as many of the original materials as could be reclaimed.