Thursday 11 April 2013

Lyminge - Site Maintenance and Stockpiling

Organized stockpiling of landscaping spoil
Timber, Topsoil, large and small Hardcore stockpiled on site

It is somewhat suprising just how much waste (spoil) is created in even the smallest landscaping project. Some of what is created can be re-used but a large proportion has to be removed from site, often before the team can progress to the next element of the job.

We are installing a new driveway at our project in Lyminge but as the picture above shows, there is the matter of some spoil causing an obstruction.

We will be able to use some of the hardcore, both large and small, in the sub-base layer of the drive but the timber, topsoil and whatever hardcore is not needed will have to be removed. Thankfully, this should all be gone by the end of today.