Wednesday 26 June 2013

Not Just Your Average 6 Bar Gate!

Here we have a beautifully hand crafted 6 bar gate, finished in kiln dried oak. Made by the talented Mr Weir, who we are very proud to be working with now on a full time basis.  All the intermediate posts have been meticulously morticed so that the rails may pass through them and into each style, rather than just layered up and bolted together, this gate is a real work of art!

Keep following the blog for updates on our new Garden Joinery Company - Bay and Green.  We have recently completed the Joinery Workshop and are technically open for business.  But like all things of a certain quality or calibre, it is not worth rushing.  So once we have got the website up and running, I will let you all know.  Don't worry, it will be worth the wait!

Kiln dried oak 6 Bar Gate
Beautifully Handcrafted 6 Bar Gate
And as for the Gate didn't expect us to get something off the shelf did you?  At Orchard Priory, we pride ourselves on our design and ability to see that design through to any build project.  So designing a hinge set which minimises space loss and holds the gate tight up against the post was just another challenge which we relished.  But we didn't stop there.  The hinge is also finished in Brushed Stainless Steel and has been recessed into the top rail of the 6 Bar Gate, so that it is smooth and flush, right down to the machined headed bolts, specifically made for us, that hold it in place.

Coupled with the fact that we have automated this 3.5 metre wide gate, our client was over the moon with this project.  Well done team!

Ross Gandon

Monday 24 June 2013

Barham - Fountain progress

Fountain with render applied
The fountain has now been rendered

Today has seen the team progressing work on the fountain as far as they can for now.

The fountain has been rendered ready for a fibreglass coating to be applied. The fibreglass will form a waterproof barrier for the render, rather than using a liner, which will offer better all round protection against the water and weather conditions.

Thursday 20 June 2013

Alliums grown in the Orchard Priory nursery

Alliums grown in our very own nursery
Alliums in the Orchard Priory nursery

We are very pleased to be able to show you a variety of Alliums grown by our own fair hands in the Orchard Priory nursery.

We have this year grown the following varieties :-

Allium Multibulbosum (Nigrum)

Allium Azureum (Caeruleum)
Allium Hair

Wednesday 19 June 2013

Barham - The Fountain Jigsaw Puzzle

Putting an old stone fountain back together
An old stone fountain being rebuilt

The stone fountain with second tier nearing completion
The fountain taking shape

Back on site in Barham, Kent and things are proceeding very well. We are now installing an old stone fountain  around the concrete base built last week.

The fountain has been bought to Kent from an estate in Derbyshire and, as you can see from the pictures above, will add an immediate 'aged' feel to what is a new feature for the garden.

Prior to installation, our team have had to remove the old, reinforced mortar, from the stones. This is a job which clearly requires a high degree of care and control so as not to damage the stones themselves.

Monday 17 June 2013

London's next Thames bridge?

Thomas Heatherwick's visualisation for the Thames Garden Bridge
Picture courtesy of Heatherwick Studio
Transport for London recently awarded a tender to develop new ideas for improving pedestrian links across the River Thames in London.

The winner was Thomas Heatherwick and Heatherwick Studio who designed the cauldron for the London 2012 Olympics.

Their proposal is for a pedestrian, garden bridge between the current Blackfriars and Waterloo bridges.

Thomas Heatherwick commented "With its rich heritage of allotments, gardens, heathland parks and squares, London is one of the greenest cities in the world.

The idea is simple - to connect north and south London with a garden."

The proposal requires planning permission from both Westminster and Lambeth councils along with £60m in private funding to become a reality.

Friday 14 June 2013

Barham - Time for something a little different!

Building the base for a water feature
Creating a base for a water feature

We are very aware that our current project in Barham, Kent is somewhat 'stone' heavy, so in an effort to provide our readers with alternative content (and to give the site team a break) we have been working on something else today! Hoorah, I hear you say!!

The picture above shows the beginings of a circular base for a water feature. The circle has been shuttered (wood around the edge) so that the area can be filled and have time to set. Once set the shuttering will be removed.

I will bring you some updates as the water feature develops.

Amazing what you can find....

Renovated spiral staircase installed in a modern garden
Renovated Spiral Staircase found in a reclamation yard

It is fantastic when you find items in reclamation yards that, with a bit of work, can be transformed into stunning garden features.

The image above shows a spiral staircase which we have returned to its former glory and installed in a small, modern garden.

If you are looking for something to provide your garden with some real interest then please give us a call.

Wednesday 12 June 2013

Barham - Progress being made

Renovation work continues in Barham
Progress is being made with the stone re-laying

A quick update on how things are going at our project in Barham, Kent where, when last we reported on it, we had just started to re-lay the cleaned Portland Stone paving onto a new, level base.

As you can see from the picture above, work is progressing well with, probably, half of the stone now back in place.

Tuesday 11 June 2013

What a difference a year makes!

A garden in Sheldwich, Kent just months after installation
A new garden in Sheldwich, Kent (May 2012)

Sheldwich, Kent garden at one year further along
The same garden in May 2013

The pictures above show a garden designed and built by Orchard Priory over the winter and spring of 2011/12. The top image is of the garden at a couple of months old in May 2012 while the lower image is of the same garden one year later.

As you can see, the garden is really growing into itself with the plants spreading to fill the space around them and providing an array of colours for the owners to enjoy.

We will be visiting this garden again in a few months to see the plants in full bloom and will try to blog another picture at that point.

If you are at all interested in speaking to us about what we could do in your garden then please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you.

Friday 7 June 2013

Beautiful Planters completed and installed

Cladding the Planters with Western Red Cedar
Painstakingly and individually pinning the Cedar Cladding

Bespoke Trellis and Planters in position
Planters and Trellis Beautifully Positioned

Here we have a picture of three of four Western Red Cedar Planters, together with bespoke made Trellis and Fluted Columns.

We think that they really do look a picture and we cannot wait to go back to get a shot with some climbing plants doing what they do best!

The planters have been constructed using Marine Grade Ply to form the liners.  These were coated on the exterior sides with Black Supadec Paint and internally, fibreglass and resin was used to seal the boxes for longevity.  The liners then slipped snuggly into the new Western Red Cedar frames, which in turn were clad with Western Red Cedar to finish.

Stunning, even if I do say so myself!

Please take the time to look at our current project - a large Lutyens designed house - where we are renovating some very dilapidated terracing.  Should you require any historical renovation work, please do not hesitate to let us know.  We would be very honoured to help.

Ross Gandon

Wednesday 5 June 2013

Barham - Portland Stone back in position

Portland Stone reinstated on a new, level base
Re-lain Portland Stone paving

Congratulations are due to our site team who have indeed managed to start re-laying the Portland Stone paving at our project in Barham, Kent.

The stone is being put back in exactly the same position from which it was lifted, having been cleaned. You can actually see the difference that the cleaning has made by comparing the paving in the image above to the step next to it (the step will also be cleaned as part of the project).

Also take another look at the photo in our blog entry dated the 24th May which shows the paving prior to any work.

We are not pointing the stone paving as it was not pointed when originally lain. The client wanted the path to remain as intended in appearance so, while modern materials have been used to create a stable and level base for the path, its appearance will be as originally installed.

Barham - Preparation for re-laying the Portland Stone

Laying out a geotextile membrane
Installing a geotextile membrane

Today sees our site team in a position to start re-laying the Portland Stone paving around the house.

The ground having been levelled, the next job is to install a geotextile membrane sheet across the area upon which the pathway base materials will be laid.

It is important to use a membrane as this will prevent the base materials from migrating into the soil or moving as the soil gets wet and dries out in the British weather. In essence, it helps to provide a stable and long lasting base for the stone to be laid upon.

We will install a layer of Recycled Type 1 material as a sub-base and then a mortar layer on top of this for the stone to sit upon.

We hope that some of the stone will be re-laid today and will try to bring you a picture later on.

Tuesday 4 June 2013

Staplehurst - Before & After

Early image of the Staplehurst driveway project
Before - An early shot with works just starting 

We have now finished the driveway in Staplehurst. The Resin Bound driveway surface has been applied and in a very good time.

We have covered about 100 m2 in just over two hours. The team are clearly very confident with laying this material now and it is showing in their workmanship.

After - The new Resin Bound driveway and granite edging

We hope you will agree that the new frontage to this property looks greatly improved.

Staplehurst - Applying the Resin Bound driveway surface

Application of the Resin Bound Driveway Surface
The Orchard Priory team laying the Resin Bound driveway surface

We finally have a whole day of good weather (no rain)  in Kent today. This means that we have been able to go back to Staplehurst to apply the finishing layer to our driveway project.

The Resin Bound driveway surface has to be applied in the dry and remain dry for at least 6 hours after application so a clear day is absolutely essential.

The picture above shows the Resin Bound layer being applied. This is certainly a pressure job as the material, once out of the mixer, starts to cure immediately. This gives only a very short time for the team to lay the material correctly.

We will try to post a couple of the finished pictures later on today.

Monday 3 June 2013

Barham - Stage 2 Stone Cleaning

Using mild detergent and wire brushes to clean stone
Further cleaning of the Portland Stone

Our site team are hard at work in Barham, continuing with the cleaning of the existing Portland Stone paving.

The above image shows two of the team using wire brushes and a mild detergent to clean the stones at the far end of the pathway. This stone will be lifted in due course before being reinstated on a fresh, level bed.