Wednesday 5 June 2013

Barham - Preparation for re-laying the Portland Stone

Laying out a geotextile membrane
Installing a geotextile membrane

Today sees our site team in a position to start re-laying the Portland Stone paving around the house.

The ground having been levelled, the next job is to install a geotextile membrane sheet across the area upon which the pathway base materials will be laid.

It is important to use a membrane as this will prevent the base materials from migrating into the soil or moving as the soil gets wet and dries out in the British weather. In essence, it helps to provide a stable and long lasting base for the stone to be laid upon.

We will install a layer of Recycled Type 1 material as a sub-base and then a mortar layer on top of this for the stone to sit upon.

We hope that some of the stone will be re-laid today and will try to bring you a picture later on.