Wednesday 5 June 2013

Barham - Portland Stone back in position

Portland Stone reinstated on a new, level base
Re-lain Portland Stone paving

Congratulations are due to our site team who have indeed managed to start re-laying the Portland Stone paving at our project in Barham, Kent.

The stone is being put back in exactly the same position from which it was lifted, having been cleaned. You can actually see the difference that the cleaning has made by comparing the paving in the image above to the step next to it (the step will also be cleaned as part of the project).

Also take another look at the photo in our blog entry dated the 24th May which shows the paving prior to any work.

We are not pointing the stone paving as it was not pointed when originally lain. The client wanted the path to remain as intended in appearance so, while modern materials have been used to create a stable and level base for the path, its appearance will be as originally installed.