Tuesday 11 June 2013

What a difference a year makes!

A garden in Sheldwich, Kent just months after installation
A new garden in Sheldwich, Kent (May 2012)

Sheldwich, Kent garden at one year further along
The same garden in May 2013

The pictures above show a garden designed and built by Orchard Priory over the winter and spring of 2011/12. The top image is of the garden at a couple of months old in May 2012 while the lower image is of the same garden one year later.

As you can see, the garden is really growing into itself with the plants spreading to fill the space around them and providing an array of colours for the owners to enjoy.

We will be visiting this garden again in a few months to see the plants in full bloom and will try to blog another picture at that point.

If you are at all interested in speaking to us about what we could do in your garden then please do get in touch, we would love to hear from you.